Friday, September 14, 2007

How Mc Kinney's leaving the Green Party Courtship Affects the Election Landscape

Why former Congresswoman Cynthia Mc Kinney dropped her courtship with the Green Party remains unanswered. Some speculate that while California Greens, the largest delegation, looked forward to an exciting challenged primary as a boon to the party, McKinney saw it as a lack of endorsement and she is unwilling to navigate an unfinanced campaign. She is still recovering from her unsuccessful 2006 run for Congress in Georgia, a seat she previously held.

Still, a strong measure of the Green Party membership continues to court her and raise money for her campaign.

Adored by some and ridiculed by others, Cynthia is seen as a double-edged sword. For months However, an ardent group of Greens are sure that Mc Kinney can face this next election with the kind of electricity and persistence that allowed her to step up in Congress and question Rumsfeld about the Iraq War, which no other Democrat had been willing to do.

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